Wednesday, September 21, 2005 | By: Unknown

This blog affected me as no other ever has..

The blogger is a woman my age, but thats about all we have in common for the most part...Her name is Amias and her blog is about her life. She goes by "liquid plastic" and I found her through a comment on ZS's latest rant on his blog. I urge every one that feels sorry for themselves or think life sucks to go read her will change your opinion..or i hope it will..if it doesn't there is something terribly wrong with you..she made me feel the gamut of emotions. She is a fantastic writer. the link to her blog is here.

3 people gave us their .02 cents:

The Zombieslayer said...

I love LP. I told her that she's the last blog I read because her writing is the heaviest writing out there. It's so brutally honest, and everything I've been through in my life is absolutely nothing compared to what she's gone through. It's amazing she still can smile.

I strongly second reading LP's blog, but will warn you in advance, it is a heavy read so keep that in mind.

Jenn Doll said...

I got chills just reading your post and what Zombislayer said, and with my emotions all over the place I'm not sure I could quite handle that right now. BUT, I WILL read it soon. Because I know my Dusty knows what she's talking about.

Hey, I need that link for the animals again. I can't find the post you left it in. SORYY!

Linda Jones Malonson said...

Thank you ... and thank you for communicating with me.