Thursday, September 22, 2005 | By: Unknown

Lovely Rita....NOT!

The newest hurricane is bearing down on south Texas. People seem to be heeding the warnings to leave as witnessed by the massive traffic jams leaving the gulf area. I realized last night that quite a few of the blogs i read are by people in the state of Texas. I laid in bed thinking of them last night: Daisy, Mileah, Karen, Lirrah, Kitten, Amia and now Leslie, who just moved to Texas last week. MJ is from Palm Springs and she is in Slidell, LA as a Red Cross volunteer..I fell asleep worrying about my fellow bloggers and their safety, hoping they are all either leaving the area or not in the storms path. It seems I have to have something to worry about or I am just not happy..doesn't it? I have never met these people but I worry about them. They are all part of my daily life, sometimes I spend more time with them than my own family. I pray that god will protect my fellow bloggers who I care so much about and spare them any pain or anquish with regard to this new "fresh" hell bearing down on the Gulf Coast.

3 people gave us their .02 cents:

Anonymous said...

Oh you sweet girl.
I'll be just fine...I'll even survive the wrath of Suzana!
The storm should hit here about Sunday, or so...

The Zombieslayer said...

LP's in Houston. Oh no, forgot that Leslie just moved there. Geez, what bad luck. :(

All you Houstonians, best of luck! My parents and two of my brothers are there right now, plus some of my closest friends. Hope everyone will be okay. I'm praying Rita misses the Houston area.

Linda Jones Malonson said...

Dusty we got a lot of prayer coming our way ... and Rita couldn't handle all that good will. I am glad that she was nothing like her sister Katrina ... Thank you.