Tuesday, September 13, 2005 | By: Unknown

Attention Kmart shoppers another blog to add to your list..

The Queen of Ass..yes i know..strange name but the woman is a trip..and i just wanted to plug her blog a bit..she is very tongue in cheek or just outright outlandish..but she is a good read and therefore the plug for her blog. I think i found the link to her royal highness on mel's blog..oh yeah..our Mel is ranked numero UNO on the top blog thingy..way to go Mel :)

3 people gave us their .02 cents:

Anonymous said...

Im telling you, the people around here fucking rock...that's kind of a gay thing for a 38 year old professional to be professing...but since it's true, what does it hurt, anyway?

Anonymous said...

I've been meaning to check her out. Can't keep up, damnit.

CozyMama said...

Mel is great!! I am going to check out this one too!! Come see my blog...I need more readers :(