Thursday, September 01, 2005 | By: Unknown

I hate it when I can't sleep..

of course it gives me plenty of time to checkout the newspaper..I really wanted to see that the price of gas will be over 4 bucks soon..lord have mercy louise..this can not be happening..yes it can..and it in bakersfrigginfield, we not only pump oil out of the ground, we refine it into gas and diesel..yet, the price went over 3 bucks a gallon today..and it isnt jumping by a few cents daily..the shit went up by 12 fucking cents in one day..ONE DAY..if that isn't price gouging i dont know what is..

in other news, the mouth that roared aka David Wells shot off his yap again..and was promptly called on the carpet by Buddy Selig, aka the Commish..Wells, a poster child for open mouth and insert foot, bitched about Selig when he lost his bid to lower his 6 game suspension for making contact with an that was a pretty site...Wells retracted all his crap today..jeez what a surprize there eh? He mocked ol Buddy Selig for his handling of the steroid issue in baseball..evidently Wells forgot that his players union is the one holding up the whole process of making life hard on those that shoot up one ever said Wells was smart..just a lefty that can throw a baseball..lefties last forever in baseball cuz their so damn hard to find..doesnt matter if they suck..Wells is the dipshit that wrote a book stating he was drunk when he pitched his no hitter a few years back for the yanks..seems he pitches ALOT better drunk than sober cuz his numbers arent all that sportsfans.. Kerry Woods finally ended his season on a sour has been off and on the DL like it was a freaking contest all season..BARROID aka Barry Bonds, the wonderful, fun loving, steroid taking hitter for the San Fran Giants has resumed batting practice after taking the entire season to date off for what was supposed to be minor surgery..not that he will do the Giants any good...they are so far down the food chain they will never see the light of day this year...

In NFL news...the nimrod known as Maurice Clarett was dumped by the Denver Broncos this week..hopefully you remember Moreece..he was the college player that attempted to go pro after ONE year of college ball at Ohio State..the NFL won the court case tossing his ass out of the draft until he was at least three years removed from high Mo got popped for lying about alot of things that happened during his tenure at Ohio State..a stellar stand up guy Clarett is,right?..however he is currently unemployed and his agent is hawking his ass around the league..good luck Mo..your gonna need it..trying playing for the team instead of whining and getting "hurt" the entire preseason..when they draft you in the third round, they usually expect something other than the infamous "pulled groin" coach Mike Shannahan said..its hard to evaluate him as a player when he never shit mike?

5 people gave us their .02 cents:

FantasticAlice said...

I understood everything you said up till you starting talking football.

Over $3.00, boy that just sucks! I wonder how all those people are feeling right now that bought the big ole' navigators and expeditions.

My Boy would annihilate me if he knew I was thinking about one of those hybrids.

Jerrster said...

Dusty the other day...maybe a week ago I found a gas station that sold regular for $2.59 a gal and I was HAPPY...I was even surprised at myself for saying it out loud...Two Fity Nine! like I was getting a great deal....I was.

I hope you get back to sleeping..I know I get bouts of insomnia and I hate it.

Anonymous said...

YOu always come through for me...I love the Boss. I still have my Born in the USA poster left over from high school and college wall decorating days. Dental surgery is...well, let's just say I'd rather roll around in cow dung...I sincerely hope you're feeling spunky again soon...

Martin said...

I'd be happy to see Clarett struggle to make someone's practice squad this season. He wasn't in shape during his time off going to the combine, didn't enter camp in shape, gets injured and never practices. If you want something bad enough to go to court over it, you'd think you'd get in shape to make a good impression. I personally hoped he'd go undrafted.

Unknown said...

80's...i totally agree with you.

daisy..lmao..nice visual there girl!

Jer..its 12:30 am..does that tell you anything? still can't sleep..but thanks for the kind words :)

Alice..get one! i really want one of those..