Tuesday, September 06, 2005 | By: Unknown

And now for something completely different..

My feral kitten update..they are now all domesticated and driving us up a wall. I buy them toys but the damn dogs chew them up,so they play with aluminum foil balls or old boxes. The top one is Leroy..he always enjoys a good perch, or box...

The second is Patty..I love the green eye reflection. We swear she has a hidden stash of pot somewhere in the house..shes looney as hell. Yes, that is a plastic bowl she is lounging in.

This is Bobbie whom we believed was switched at birth. She sure has hell isn't feral,she loves people..and the inside of a house too much. She was trying to get in from the time she could walk.

3 people gave us their .02 cents:

Stephanie said...

They are sooooo cute - I've always loved kittens!! We had an evil cat when I was little - stole a piece of pizza off the table and hissed & attacked when we tried to get it back. Ahhh - memories!!

Bsoholic said...

Cute kittens! The one in the bowl, with her hidden stash of pot looks the coolest!

Anonymous said...

sweet babies...glad I didn't make it here Friday...I'd still be bawling!