This isn't a joke. Its a bill the Humane Societyof the U.S. has in front of the Senate(S. 2548) and the House (H.R. 3858) regarding pets during evacuations such as what happened with Katrina last year.
The bill is called the PETS Act. The Pets Evacuation and Transportation Standards Act will insure that thousands of animals are not left behind to starve and die a horrible death by allowing them to be evacuated with their owners. PETS requires state and local authorities to consider the needs of individuals with pets and service animals in the event of a major disaster. That means ANY type of disaster that requires evacuations. There are still hundreds and hundreds of dogs and cats that are living in shelters that in many cases, will never be reunited with their owners. Don't allow this to happen again. We know there will be more hurricanes, earthquakes and natural disasters. We need to make sure the littlest victims have a fighting chance to survive. Please click on the picture to go to the Humane Society website and sign the letter that will go to your Congress Rep and Senate Rep. We don't know when the next disaster will occur but we need to get these bills through and protect the ones that give us unconditional love daily.
2 people gave us their .02 cents:
Done and done, babe. :)
Thanks B :)
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