Wednesday, May 10, 2006 | By: Unknown

Blogging takes a back seat to at 11

I will be unavailable for posting until maybe this weekend..I am organizing a nice little event for MoveOn at our local congress rep's office for tomorrow. Should be interesting..

My back is still trashed..the physical therapy sucks dirty socks and its hitting hot in the temperature department here..from winter straight into summer..praise jesus and turn on the swamp cooler.

Barroid Bonds might pass the Babe by the time I come back to blogging..I personally wish someone from outerspace would kidnap him and drop him off in Siberia..without a map or shoes.

Irony of Ironies..the two reporters that blew the whistle on Barroid could end up doing more prison time than ANY of the asshats that were pushing the steroids and developing them at BALCO. They refuse to name their sources for the Grand Jury transcripts.

Padres are doing ok..won 9 straight games!!! now that I said that..they will tank.

My fantasy baseball teams are in the bottom of 4 out of 5 leagues..jesus why can I NOT pick batters? My pitchers rock but thats only half the stats..I am embarrassed beyond measure at their subpar performance..oh well..have a good hump day sportsfans..see ya when I see ya..

9 people gave us their .02 cents:

Anonymous said...

What am I gonna do w/o you? :(

Unknown said...

blog on dear on and hope I do not make the 11 o clock news as an arrestee.

The Misanthrope said...

The LATimes has a nice comparison of Bonds and the Babe. Bottom line: there is no comparison.

Unknown said...

I get the times online edition,you should see the rag they put out here in bakersfrigginfield dude..Barroid is in a class all by himself..

lecram sinun said...

dusty... good luck on your event. Hope you're feeling a lot better soon! :)

Anonymous said...

Spring is in the air in London. But it seems to be lingering. It's still much cooler than it used to be this late in the year! I've noticed that the seasons have been occuring later than in the past.

I wish you the best and hope your back recovers.

Nölff said...

Good luck. I too work with the Dems.

Anonymous said...

See ya when you get back girl. Hope the back feels better soo. See when you get back.

Drew Dallons said...

Just wanted to drop a shout out for my Reds... 3rd best record in MLB so far! This may be "the year"!