We, the universal "we" knew it would happen, took him 13 days to hit it,hes old..he's broken down. Far as I am concerned..its got a * after it..and will forever. Thanks to the Omnipotent One for this pic..it says what I feel and I have been waiting to toss it out there.
Edit: Preakness favorite Barbaro broke down shortly after leaving the gate today. He has broken a hindleg in two places..so far, its not life threatening.This I have feelings about..Barroid..not so much. Horses are noble creatures..Barroid..eh..nevermind.
It's time for that dumbest of marketing ideas, Interleague play in Baseball. The Chicago teams thought they would add a little spice to their game by having a benches clearing brawl,four being tossed in the process.
10 people gave us their .02 cents:
Thats a great picture!
I know..I have had it for awhile and was saving it just for this occasion :)
I was hoping he'd get it done before they played the Cardinals next week. Not that I was rooting for him....
That's sad news about Barbaro. I feel the same way as you when it comes to animals.
I agree with every word of your post. That is a great picture of Bonds.
I'd like to see some super horse come out and win the Triple Crown again.
As for Barroid, fuck him. I hate what he has done for the game.
The Chron made this front page news today. I don't so much blame them, because lots of their readers want to see this asshat hit the BIG RUN.
Me? I was hoping he'd trip on the way around the bases.
Asshat, face down in the dust. Now THAT'S funny.
I agree o wise one..if he had tripped and fallen, Hammerin Hanks record would probably be safe. Hopefully,as badly as Bonds is playing that record will never be broken, by him at least...
I saw it live. It went pretty deep. Love him or hate him, the guy could hit.
And for the record, why all the hatred against Bonds? Both McGuire and Canseco did roids, and were much bigger *ssholes than Bonds were. Much bigger. Even Mrs. Canseco was a Class A b*tch. Yet, Bonds gets all the hatred directed at him. I see a double standard here.
ZS..if I have to explain it to ya..its over your head..
I am not being rude but to me its as obvious as the nose on your or my face.
He lied about it. He cheated for years and years. Big Mac is no where near the asshat or racist that Barroid is.
If big Mac did roids..then his record needs an "*" after it too. although thats a moot point..barroid broke big macs record.
I dont care about Mrs Canseco..and as far as Jose..who cares if he did roids, at least he fessed up..he couldn't play for shit, but he could hit the long ball.
Love the pic -- I've been advocating for two years that all these Mr. Potato Head Juicers get a tiny hypodermic needle next to their 'records' in the records. Frank Robinson sez they should all be wiped off the record books, and Mr. MVP-in-Both-Leagues oughta know.
I posted the pic on my blog -- hope that's ok.
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