It seems that a first amendment showdown will occur soon regarding who leaked Grand Jury transcripts to the authors of the Barroid Bonds steroid-stunner "Game of Shadows". The Grand Jury wants the authors to reveal their sources regarding the Grand Jury transcripts they used in their book. Its not against the law to have the info..but it is against the law to leak it..Go figure...
Sports Illustrated has a write up here regarding this newest twist in the Barroid drug scandal. Meanwhile Barroid went o-fer tonight against Philly. He is two homers behind Babe Ruth in his hopefully futile attempt to get the homerun record.
Ludvig Åberg loving life at Torrey Pines, leads Farmers Insurance Open
[image: Ludvig Åberg, PGA Tour, Farmers Insurance Open] Ludvig Åberg waves
to the crowd after making a birdie on the 10th hole during the first round
of t...
5 hours ago
2 people gave us their .02 cents:
This isn't really a surprise, IMO. It was bound to happen sooner or later. And since when did the Phillies reside in Cleveland? :p was a sudden move..sorta like when the colts left baltimore in the dead of night :P
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