Tuesday, August 23, 2005 | By: Unknown

Cali Supreme Court Expands Same-sex Parental Rights

The court had a hard time applying some very archaic laws to the three cases, but they made it work..bravo i say! In their ruling the court said and I quote; "We perceive no reason," the Supreme Court ruled, "why both parents of a child cannot be women." Children, in this age of single parent families, need all the love and guidance they can get. The link to the NY Times article is here.

6 people gave us their .02 cents:

Jenn Doll said...


Sorry I couldn't get to you tonight. Got caught up. Hugs!

John Q. Public esq. said...

about time...

Unknown said...

Jenn..i figured you were busy..no problemo girl.

JQP..i second that..

Anonymous said...

Of course I don't need to point out (smugly) that Canada is 30 years ahead of America on that whole subject...

But considering a Nazi cock is running the show there, it's a landmark decision...

FantasticAlice said...

The Colonel is always so right.

Who cares who raises the kids... just that they are raised with love, respect, dignity, and happiness and the world would be a much better place.

I think the courts need to worry about taking kids away from the crackheads.

Unknown said...

i agree alice..they let the druggies keep them until something happens most of the time..its pathetic here.. kudos to the canucks for being ahead of us in this..