Monday, December 12, 2005 | By: Unknown

A Recap of my weekend..with Pictures!

I spent Sunday hung over..its all this mans fault.

This is Rob our bartender for the evening. My son Brian and I spent Saturday nite at the Malibu Inn. Its a short drive over the mountains to Malibu for us and Joe Bonamassa was playing. The Malibu Inn is a fantastic venue for music, small, intimate and real nice staff..they are friendly and outgoing..which surprized me considering we were in the ritzy, glitzy area of LA that is frequented by movie stars and the like. My son hit on Sean William Scott's girlfriend until he realized who she was sleeping with. Sean is known thru his character Stiffler in American Pie and its sequels. My son had a short convo with Mr. Scott who was very cordial and down to earth...not to mention very hot looking.

Back to Rob. I love this man and would do him on the 50 yard line at half time, not to mention have his children but alas I am too OLD to have his was the BEST bartender in the western hemisphere..oh shit..THE WORLD. He could chat you up on any topic,which to me makes a fantastic bartender. He makes excellent cocktails and is very attentive, meaning you dont have to scream or wave your arms to get another fucking drink. He has some fantastic Tats which he let me get pictures of after I told him I would put him on my blog and make him Famous!!..we all know thats a friggin lie, but being the sweet-natured man he is, he happily obliged me...for the pics, not sex dammit..cant blame a girl for trying right? :)

You might wonder what myself and the kid were doing in Malibu..especially since that is WAY the hell out of our league..we went to see Joe and baby, I will go to the ends of the earth to see Joe Bonamassa. And since it was only two hours away, what the hell..the tickets were cheap, only twenty small ones..and a celebration of my birth was as good excuse as any to feed the ball and chain, don't you know. It was a tad early since my b-day ain't till THIS week..but who cares..we made the trek to Malibu.

Now, when the place starts filling up, they slowly remove all the chairs in the joint. Its Standing Room Only for the concerts. More folks can be crammed in that way. But..and this is a good part..we had the only seats in the place all evening. Brian and I took turns dashing out for a smoke so our chairs were never really vacant...we could see the bandstand from our seats front and center at the bar. Speaking of the bar, its a rustic place with one of the most beautiful wood carved bars I have ever seen in my life. The wall behind the bar where the booze was stocked was also hand-carved and just spectacular. Since we got there three hours before the music (note to self,next time call ahead and find out the concert time)we had our pick of seats and tried valiantly to nurse our drinks so we wouldnt be shit-faced by 10 when Joe B. went on. We succeeded..sort of. We were only half in the bag by 10 pm. Remember, my beloved Rob makes one kickass cocktail..he doesnt skimp on the booze. The kid was drinking some fancy draft beer..heffenwieser or some shit.

Any way..Joe's girlfriend Leah was there and recognized me when Joe was up doing his soundcheck an hour or so before the gig started. She ran up, gave me a big ol hug and we chatted for a bit. I said hi to Dennis the roadie and resident sweetheart and just cruised around smiling at all the much younger males in my midst. Quite a few smiled back and one in particular kept trying to buy me a drink after I told him he smelled good. I figured that when I introduced him to my 26 year old son he would back off but he didnt. Gotta give him an A for effort, good ol Hector was a gem and did wonders for my ego, plus he was a cutie with a nice goatee and dressed quite well.

The show was over round midnight and I piled my son into the dusty-mobile and cruised my ass back to Bake-town. There is this one road which to get out of Malibu is a narow, twisty, one lane on each side number. I feared that road but hell, I did just fine till I got back over the mountains and ran into some nasty ass fog. I mean fog so thick you cant see the hood of YOUR car type of fog. Slowing down to 15 mph to make sure I didnt run off the road was a good idea until the semi came running up on my ass and blasted his airhorn..FUCKER..i was in my lane dammit, and I dont know if he was just getting his jollys or had an issue w/my speed, afterall, you couldnt see shit! After the dipshit passed me, I stayed behind him and he was trucking right along at 55..

Made it home safely and spent all day Sunday bitching about my headache..but it was a nice evening and a great way to spend a Saturday Night..although the credit card bill will possibly give me another headache when it arrives next month.

12 people gave us their .02 cents:

FantasticAlice said...

Holy Shit! That Bartender is HOTTTTTT! My God! Calm down Alice.... Now I am interested in seeing a picture of your son... hehehehe.

Glad you made it home safely. Semi drive the road but they think they own it.


Sky Captain said...

Geez Dusty, calm down and change your panties...

Unknown said...

my was a tad tongue in cheek dear man..relax.

but there were some hot men and I might be on a diet but I can read the fucking menu.

Unknown said...

Dude, you can tell Rob I said, RAWR, bitches! Um, yeah, he's fucking hot.

I'm glad you had such a good time, with your son nonetheless.

Damnit, we need to party!

The Zombieslayer said...

So, how do you really feel about this guy? ;)

Bsoholic said...

Some wild tats he has! Sounds like you had a great time.

daisyduke said...

You are NEVER too old, my dear...and let hot guys buy you drinks. THATs the fun part of life!!!!

UnHoly Diver said...
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UnHoly Diver said...

You shoulda gotten Hector's number..

Sky Captain said...

Dusty, I was just joking...

Unknown said...

Sorry Capt'n..i was sure sweetie.

Bruce..if I wanted Hectors number I would of gotten it.

Unknown said...

I think Dennis has a great job and wouldnt trade it for the world..I know I would love it..

I tried to get in touch w/you bohpke..but there isn't a link :(