Thursday, October 20, 2005 | By: Unknown

HNT Pic for the week.

Sorry I almost forgot about it being thursday..Half-Nekkid is my stunning all I could come up with at a moments notice..daisy being the one to remind me..thanks girlfriend..its my boobage area since I am still in my jammies..

17 people gave us their .02 cents:

Beth said...

Wooo! Nice rack!

Happy HNT!

daisyduke said...

boobage, matter!

:0) HNT

love ya!

FantasticAlice said...

Boobage, tits, rack, funbags, flesh-pillows, any way you call you look great!!!!

Stephanie said...

Woo Hoo!! Happy HNT!!

Bsoholic said...

Wooooo dusty!

Happy HNT!

Logophile said...

Boobage is the BOMB, baby!!
Happy HNT!

Tammy said...

Wow. Cleavage!! I posted mine too!

Happy HNT!

Scott & Julia said...

Very nice! Happy HNT!

Anonymous said...

You wanna lend me some of that? You got enough for the both of us! RAWR! Seeeexy!

PackerPundit said...

Boobage!!!! I see boobage!!!

Happy HNT Gorgeous

... said...

great boobage (and i looooove the jammies!) happy hnt!

Awna said...

boobage is always good.
happy hnt!

Mara said...

Beautiful boobage. LOL.. I love jammie bewbies. LMAO I love your 'give a fuck ometer' to the right too... that's hilarious. I may have to ask to borrow it with kudos to you!

Chick said...

Love the jammies...& the beauty mark.

Happy Belated HNT.

Martin said...

Dusty!! My, my... great photo. More, more. B) And thank Daisy for us.

tom said...

Your boobs are fair game, but not your toes?

HowCumTutor69 said...

I would love to see more.