Tuesday, May 10, 2005 | By: Unknown

will this man be a yankme again? fuck i hope not..but he will not deny his love of pinstripes..fucker.. Posted by Hello

8 people gave us their .02 cents:

Rat In A Cage said...

I assume you know about his deal with the ownership to be allowed to be traded half way through the seaon to a contender if his Astros aren't one.

Anonymous said...

Um, yes! Or no?

Unknown said...

of course i do...thats what makes me mad..he would love to go back to the yank$

Mad Housewife said...

Yay! Astros!

(Sorry, I'm from Houston.)

Rat In A Cage said...

You've been grouchy lately. Snap out of it.

Why am I up at 5 the one week I can sleep (late) until 7:30 for work. Damn it.

John Q. Public esq. said...

you know, I just love those yanks, hell I love the Pats too...
but I must say I was brainwashed by my mother at an early age, I have tried 12-step grps and everything, but nothing seems to work.


Rat In A Cage said...

I hope all the working straight days isn't killing you. I keep looking for updates on Bakersfrigginfield. I need to know what's happening there so I can stay grounded. So I can Kepp it real.

Unknown said...

i am basking in the warmth of san diego! i refuse to get online until i capture a delicious sunset so i can post it and jenn and everyone can ooooh and ahhhh over it..