I have been way too busy to write lately, but I will try and push out a few thoughts..its late and the ball and chain is snoring his ass off..the dogs and cats are fighting for position on the bed and I am somehow odd man out..so screw it..lets jot down a few things..
My yuppie sister from hell called today..she only calls when she wants something mind you..She is going to Texas to see her daughter graduate from Sam Houston St. next month and she needs a dogsitter for the two yorkies from hell..actually one is a bonafide psycho,the other is quite a sweet dog. Since I have a soft spot for animals and insipid men I said I would drive the three hours down and take care of the dogs for a nice three day weekend. All the Grey Goose I can drink and close proximity to the ocean are nice perks. I can take in a Padre game too...wait..the padres have doubled their ticket prices since moving to PetFood Park, I mean Petco..even nosebleed seats cost an arm and a fucking leg..and to think I used to sit on the third base line for a mere 35 bucks..the same seat now goes for 60..nice..I might end up catching a buzz and watching them on TV..back to the dogs..the psycho is of course male, albeit nuetered. His idea of fun is pissing on anything that doesnt move. It amazes me that the yuppie sista keeps the inbred bastard, her with the half million dollar condo and furnishings that cost a bloody fortune....did I mention she makes us sit on towels..so we dont get body oils on the furniture? yes folks..its true..and we take our shoes off when we enter so we dont mar that lovely white carpet..who in the fuck gets white carpet w/dogs and kids? Course I wont remove my shoes that weekend, nor will I put a friggin towel on the couch before I sit my ass on it..did I say sit? Hell, i am gonna lounge all over the damn thing..the ball and chain is making noises like he wants to go..NO FUCKING WAY JOSE! can you read my lips jackass? You are NOT going..its my down time, I wont have to cook for you, I will not have to fight you for the remote, I will not have to fight the dogs and cats for a spot on MY bed..its a nice little vacation for mamacita..I usually line up a few jobs while I am down there..not this time folks!! its gonna be all play for moi...I cant wait to watch the sunset in Ocean Beach..see a few old friends at the local watering hole hopefully and wonder why I ever left..
Baseball starts sunday..Boston and the Yank$..the waiting is driving me nuts..I am like a junkie that needs his fix..eyes buggin out of my head, palms sweating, chewing a hole in the side of my mouth..COME ON...LETS PLAY BALL...
Caitlin Clark’s NBA All-Star weekend decision is a brilliant one
[image: Dallas Wings v Indiana Fever] Photo by Justin Casterline/Getty
Clark won’t be participating in a three-point contest at NBA All-Star
3 hours ago
1 people gave us their .02 cents:
You paint quite the vivid, and funny, picture of the condo. Have fun oiling up the place.
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