Thursday, August 25, 2005 | By: Unknown

Vince Vaughn is doing a comedy tour..

You know Vince, he's in the Wedding Crashers plus some other funnies such as Old School and Swingers...well, hes doing a tour with a few other gents from the Comedy Store in Hell-A. The link to his website is here. I can always use a good laugh and he's actually coming to Bakersfrigginfield. Plus he's screwing Brad Pitt's ex-wife, so he has to have something going for him..right?

8 people gave us their .02 cents:

Anonymous said...

It's hard for me to get into comedies, but I did like Old School and Wedding Crashers. And I do like Vince Vaughn.

I never found him attractive but heard he had the girlies swooning, and after Wedding Crashers, I can see why. He actually looked kinda hot in there and he's taller than shit! Tall = very good!

Maybe if he's coming out here I can go see. That would rock. So long as I don't drink too much and get all, "Hey, baby!" =P

UnHoly Diver said...

Oh joy...I'll mark my calendar now.

John Q. Public esq. said...

...screwing Brad Pitt's ex-wife is no claim to fame, if it were so you would be lighing candles at my statue...

I am after all a lover...


FantasticAlice said...

Vince is SEXY.

Funny, smart, cynical, sarcastic, and fucks with peoples heads, what more could a girl want?

I would DIE to go to a show like that.

To bad they aren't coming to Missouri anytime soon.

Jerrster said...

I'd go see Vince Vaughn...he's money baby.
thanks for the heads up.

Anonymous said...

I paid to see the Wedding Crashers. Twice. Love the guy!
I'd do him

Unknown said...

Jenn..I never thought of him as "hot" either..but a man w/a sense of humor such as his does turn me on..

Mel..nothing like have sex AND laughing your ass off i always say :) old fart..get w/the program :P

John Q..babe I already worship you..nuff said

Alice..your sure they arent coming to MO?? hell they are coming to my shithole of a town they got to be coming somewhere close to you girl..

Jerry..glad I could be of service..good to see you again sweetie :)

Daisy..your just horny girl..but thats not a crime lol

Anonymous said...

i don't see anything wrong with horny, either...but honestly, today...I'm really not