Friday, August 19, 2005 | By: Unknown

ok..time for more kitten pics..

I know, its pathetic..but they are my kids..and they are so cute!

6 people gave us their .02 cents:

Fiona said...


It's not pathetic at all, they are gorgeous.

My kitten has had a bad day today.

Mum accidentally shut the door on her head, the cockatoo chased her, she got scared when Dad blew the car horn, and to top it all off, she nearly ran into the door in her haste to get inside.


Anonymous said...

they are adorable, and so I Johnny Lang,,,glad you left him here

Anonymous said...

so is johnny...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

OMG, the one where they are snuggling is so cute...I was reading Daniel Hoffmann-Gill's blog about stray dogs in Greece, it made me think of my childhood pet...I got all pet gushy...

A weepy Col. Dr. is not a good thing.

Unknown said...

hey doc..i like that your weepy bout DO have a soft spot behind that armor..