Sunday, July 24, 2005 | By: Unknown

Karl Rove..who the hell is he?

As Bruce pointed out in one of the comments on this blog..Krazy Karl is the Prez's chief advisor...and fuckup apparently. He outed a CIA operative simply because he hated her husband..hubby is a democrat apparently and making lots of noise about the Prez's screwups as of late..who isnt?...but the sad thing a CIA operative outing her possibly put her in harm's way..thats a big fucking no no in most people's minds..and the Prez originally said he would punish to the fullest extent of the law the perp that did this evil deed..until that is, he found out it was his number one Bushie is back-pedaling his feeble ass off and wont say what he's gonna do about it..Bushie also named his Supreme Court Nom lightening quick in order to take Karl's happy ass off the front pages of most major newspapers..he loves a good story but not if it involves one of his homies i guess..Rove's actions are tatamount to treason during wartime..and last time i checked we were at war....well maybe we shouldn't kill the bastard but he needs to be hung by his fingernails in a cell w/bubba at the very least..

just wanted to clarify who this dipshit is for those that do not read the papers or watch the evenin news..which evidently is a few of you..thats ok however, i do not judge ye ...i do want you to be well informed :)

8 people gave us their .02 cents:

Anonymous said...

i'm glad you left LMP that i have dsl, i get all the good stuff...(well not ALL)

Lyvvie said...

Thanks muchly for clearing that up! I can now understand the hate. what a dickwad.

Jerrster said...

Can you flippin' imagine that our entire Country is in the hands of such amatures?

I used to be able to sleep, when I knew less.

You've Got What I Need... said...

You'd think, what with all this Patriot Act hype still going on, that Rove's actions would've been taken more seriously by the American people. Go figure?

Anonymous said...

It's not just that her life was put in danger, though. Whenever someone who works as a covert operative is exposed, the entire organisation is put at risk.

Say she had been collecting information from Chinese sources who, because her name is splattered all over the news, have been identified as traitors and shot?

People used to say the same thing about Kim Philby. Big deal, so what. The fact is, the man caused the deaths of innumerable Allied spies, giving the Soviets their landing zone coordinates so a NKVD/KGB squad could be waiting for them.

Even though I am VERY left-wing politically, and even though I feel situations such as these belong to hidden communities which operate by their own rules, I do believe that good faith, whether between pirates or cutthroat business people, is the only thing separating us from animals.

And look what happens when it's broken. Everybody stabs everyone in the back and makes a grab for the money, and people start dying and, lets admit it, they turn into animals.

Outing this operative isn't just a matter of a pissing contest, this guy probably cost people's lives, damaged the reputation of the American executive, and undermined the already-questionable image of the President of the United States.

He's not a team player, he's a skiff, and skiffs get sunk because they're shit.

Anonymous said...

And, Melanie, you might like your blissfulness, but I like your shoulder blade.

That's my uncalled-for flirt of the day :)

Unknown said...

lol, good for you doc..i agree with you 100 percent dear man, i just kept the rant short for THIS blog..i plan to make a very long winded one on my political blog at a later date..this isn't going away any time soon, even if bushie wants it too..

SemiMBA said...

Unfortuntely Sir Karl created GW - and without him, GW would still be a rich failed businessman from Midland (what a hell hole!).

No matter what happens, GW will pardon the fat turd.