Monday, July 25, 2005 | By: Unknown

Are you ready for some football"? Apparently Ricky Williams is..again..

Little Ricky is back in the fold in Florida..the angels are singing, the fans are cheering again and the pot dealers are down a customer. Ricky gave up his free wheeling lifestyle to return to the rigors of the NFL after taking a year off to explore "other" lifestyles..holistic medicene, yoga, camping in the Outback and god knows what other endeavors that are frowned upon in NFL circles..oh yeah..he smoked alot of pot also..bear in mind that ricky suffers from a personality disorder that requires daily medication and he quit taking it whilst he was on this soul searching expedition for the last year and a half. He is a quiet soul, very soft spoken and this makes him seem very vunerable. I can appreciate his soul searching quest to find the true meaning of life, its just sad that most people will chuck it up to being stoned alot..i am sure it had an impact but it wasn't the whole enchilada.
The link to the story on cbs sportsline is in the title. Its a fairly even handed account I suggest it if your in need of reading material..

11 people gave us their .02 cents:

Anonymous said...

I know! I'll put your sports ingenious to work. I make bets with people and you tell me who to bet on. Deal?

Anonymous said...

very sneaky jenn...let me know if it works--i'm down a couple grand!

dusty you are inside my brain, are you not? he did lie straight faced while i cried...literally. makes me miss LMP less. plus, for some reason, i think rod is sexy. anyway. three cheers for ricky. if i had the money i'd do the same thing (even without all this mess i have right now) not only that, saban (former michigan state coach) is a good guy

Unknown said...

jenn..funny you should mention that i used to do that for a friend in san diego when i waitressed..he would head over to Tijuana and bet at the book over there..we made some cash but didnt break the bank,since football has more variables than baseball.

daisy..i played it for you, i hope it didnt make you sad but i thought of you the minute i heard the song whilst tripping through 7 thousand songs looking for a new one..saban is a good guy I hope he makes it work for the dolphins and little ricky..i really like williams and i support what he did to a certain extent, just not the way he did it.

Jesus christ in a thong, i used the word "soul" like a hundred times in the post, i should reread my stuff before posting methinks.

FantasticAlice said...

silly stoners... there seems to be a rash of them...

Never heard of this guy... then again I don't watch football at all.

I wish I could go on a drug related binge and consider it soul searching.

Might have to try that.

John Q. Public esq. said...

I myself am waiting on ND's return to glory this year with yet another new face...

chess however did you know, however I am leaning torward online poker, maybe pay off these student loans..

all my love,


Martin said...

I'll be more interested to see if the Dolphins keep him or work out a quick trade. Granted, allowing Ricky back while a court has said he owes the team $8 million is pretty interesting. He is going to make about $400,000 this year which isn't going to pay that back too quickly. But, I've always believed that having 2 very formidable running backs on your roster helps because injuries happen. Sure, Ronnie will be a good running back. I'm less sure about Lamar Gordon and was impressed with what Sammy Morris was able to put together towards the end of the season after being a fullback in another team's system the year prior.

Unknown said...

yo 80's nut..he will make the league min which is around 30k.far less than he owes the team true dat. but i do not see ANY team taking him on for anything other than a draft choice..

Anonymous said...

Dusty's my sports heroess!

Anonymous said...

i'm sure this is pure torture for everyone else...thank you, my friend. i think i can be ready for a new song~

The Zombieslayer said...

You know, I actually have a soft spot for Williams. People who know him say he's a real sweet guy. Very oversensitive though, and that's probably why he took a year off to smoke pot.

The guy makes millions and deserves it. he's a heck of a runner. So many fans hate him though and the media loves to rip him to shreds. A lot of people were saying he should have been banned from the game.

You know, I'm all for banning steroid users because it gives an unfair advantage over non-steroid users. However, with pot, let a grown man (or woman) do it as long as he's not behind a wheel or machinery.

I'd love to see him finish up this year with 1500+ yards and a dozen TDs. That would be awesome. I have no idea what kind of shape he's in. I imagine yoga might help him stay healthy (against things like pulled muscles, etc).

Unknown said...

Zombie..i totally agree w/you on most of what you say..ricky is wrapped a little too tight, but he can do whatever he wants in my book, if it was for all the well thought out reasons..not just getting stoned for a year..he was busy, he took alot of classes so he did more than smoke pot..I tried to write my post objectively, not giving my thoughts just the observations.