Tuesday, October 11, 2005 | By: Unknown

Where the Hell is Fall?

I have been waiting oh so patiently for it..really, I have..I am tired of wearing shorts, I want to be able to wear a pair of jeans and be comfortable. I bought a pair of fuzzy slippers today in anticipation of cooler weather approaching and the b&c drug me out to look at a new heater for the house..boy was I fucking wrong...

its gonna be in the 90's this weekend..jesus christ..

oh well, the cats are getting a charge out of the new fuzzy slippers..I wont be wearing them any time soon..

Angels beat the ChiSox for game 1..I am winning in BOTH of the pay leagues I am playing fantasy football in..first place baby with an indentical 4-1 record! I am sucking ass in the 4 free yahoo leagues however..I am considering playing along on HNT...

I got nothing else..where the fuck is fall?

9 people gave us their .02 cents:

Unknown said...

has anyone noticed that I have become an advertizing HO over in my sidebar? jesus christ in a thong thats nasty..

UnHoly Diver said...


The Zombieslayer said...

here in sunny Santa Barbara, it was fall today. It's currently 56. Lows in the low 50s. But I only have 3 more days of Santa Barbara. job ends, and I move back to Northern California. Yeah!

(nothing against Santa Barbara, but you have to be a millionaire to build any kind of savings account living here).

Linda Jones Malonson said...

Dusty when you find fall send it my way? I am so damn tired of this heat. My daughter and I laughed all summer, as we compared out tan! Can you believe it. How brown can I get. LOL. I use to believe that brown folks couldn't get a tan, but nature made a liar out of me.

The Astros are looking good. Between you and Maggie I have got to get into baseball at least.

Anonymous said...

I think Fall must be a man...he showed up at my doorstep and is gone again already!!!

FantasticAlice said...

Autumn is my most favorite time of year... I can finally find an excuse to cuddle with out being yelled at for making the boy-toy sweet.

I don't know, Angels are looking pretty good, yeah for the underdog!

HNT!!!! Go for it. I would, I just gotta find a damn camera somewhere.

John Q. Public esq. said...

lol, I would send you some if I could, I have not seen the sun in 6 days...


Jerrster said...

if this is an indian summer...cleveland would be in the playoffs...yeah Where is FALL? enough with the record high temps.

SeizeTheNite said...

I'm am so ready for fall.
Actually, I'm ready for winter.
And lots and lots of snow...

90 degrees in October?
Thats just wrong.