Tuesday, October 04, 2005 | By: Unknown

Padres flogged by the Cards..and now this..

Matt Clement, Boston pitcher, who closely resembles Abe Lincoln with that chin hair...gave up a shitload of runs to start the Bosox-Chisox game off well...insert tongue in cheek..

think i might go back to work..

4 people gave us their .02 cents:

John Q. Public esq. said...

what are you wearing? breath into the phone.. let me rub your feet...

oh, sorry wrong blog


Stephanie said...

Not a happy day in Boston! :(

Katie said...

White Sox win! White Sox win! That was one fucking awesome game. Sorry about your Padres.

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the Pads...you see my betrothed is getting the boot even though he had a 14-3 record this season. I guess they're looking for someone a little older...