Matt Clement, Boston pitcher, who closely resembles Abe Lincoln with that chin hair...gave up a shitload of runs to start the Bosox-Chisox game off well...insert tongue in cheek..
think i might go back to work..
Giants slide into the top spot of the 2025 NFL Draft
[image: New York Giants v Atlanta Falcons] Photo by Todd Kirkland/Getty
New York’s blowout loss to the Falcons saw the Giants slide into the top
3 hours ago
4 people gave us their .02 cents:
what are you wearing? breath into the phone.. let me rub your feet...
oh, sorry wrong blog
Not a happy day in Boston! :(
White Sox win! White Sox win! That was one fucking awesome game. Sorry about your Padres.
Sorry about the see my betrothed is getting the boot even though he had a 14-3 record this season. I guess they're looking for someone a little older...
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