Thursday, April 28, 2005 | By: Unknown

An online Smithsonian exhibit on the Lakota Tribe.

You will need the "Flash 6 Plugin" to view it correctly but it also has an html formatted one..i found it very moving and interesting..doesnt mean the rest of you nimrods will, but doesnt hurt to try to educate the masses on occasion..

5 people gave us their .02 cents:

Rat In A Cage said...

Another lesson in why the white man got pissed and fought the natives. We went and said hi, all nice like. They respond telling us we are nimrods if we do not think like them. Great. You might need a new marketing pitch there, Chief. "Come look at this, you dopey dipshit" or maybe "Install Plug in 6 for interesting & education stuff or else I'll scalp you!"

I'll check it out when i get back out of this dial up hell. I have studied many of the tribes and the Lakota are one of my favorites - them and the Blackfoot. Tough bastards.

lilmammal said...

My best friends/second-family are Lakota Souix. Thanks for linking this!

Unknown said...

I use nimrods as a term of endearment here sweet thang..i would never use it in a derogatory sense when addressing you or any of my readers..that is reserved only for the cowards and scum-sucking bastards of the world..please view it in the spirit it was used..ya fucknut..

UnHoly Diver said...

He just doesn't understand your engaging personality, sweetie...;-)

Rat In A Cage said...

It's not my fault - a week in Canada with an entire city of really nice people that say thank you, please, excuse me, you're welcome, etc. has really shattered my sensitivity for sarcasm. Blame it on the super friendly canucks.