This story is getting stranger and stranger..harken back to when Maurice Clarett got his walking papers at Ohio State..According to
ESPN he then received his funding from an Israeli Mob named...The Jerusalem Group.
Is Mr. Clarett trying to use this newest wrinkle as a defense for why he was packing when the cops finally got his dumbass pulled over a couple weeks ago after a high speed chase?
Mo, that name might sound like a financial organization, but don't want to mess with da or in Russia or Israel..those guys just don't like getting stiffed.
Try getting a job next time..if there is a next time.
6 people gave us their .02 cents:
In the last 3 weeks, Clarett's life has gone from a disaster to a really bad plot for a made for tv movie... if it was ever told from the perspective of his girlfriend, it'd be on Lifetime.
Since he left college he has been a clusterfuck..and it just gets worse..if a woman stuck it out through all this shit..she is either loyal or felony-dumb.
She also would've been in jail by now; The painful price of living in a male-dominated, mysoginistic society, I suppose.
The best thing for Clarett right now, IMO, would be some chemically-induced help and a padded room. He's a suicide waiting to happen.
BTW...I didn't go to Baltimore.
Why didn't you go?
I'll email you...
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