Monday, April 10, 2006 | By: Unknown

Si se puede

In spanish it means: Yes, we can. And we did today with crowds estimated by the Bakersfield PD at between 7-10,000 strong marched today from Jastro park.That is also the park where we read the names last summer of the 2,000 soldiers killed Iraq. Today was also the birthday of Dolores Huerta, co-founder of the UFW, the United Farm Workers who was in attendance. It wasn't just people of Hispanic descent, it was all races, all ages, all walks of life.

Video to local coverage is here. If your computer is video-challenged a write-up is here.

5 people gave us their .02 cents:

lecram sinun said...

Very cool!

Sophie said...

it seems very few americans are worried about exported conservatism. good luck with your bible-thumping, homophobic, sexist and racist immigrants.

Sophie said...

but then you probably dont live next door to them. i did (until i fled the u.s. for europe) and let me tell ya, it wasn't pretty. nuh - ah.

Unknown said...

I don't live next door to whom sophie? I live surrounded by all types of people...except the rich haughty types. You don't find too many of them here.

Anonymous said...

coreccion, nos podemos is really yes we are able ( or in this case, yes we can)