Monday, June 06, 2005 | By: Unknown

The Supreme Court rules against medicinal marijuana case.

ok....i am by no means saying people should have the right to get stoned whenever they want..what i am saying is that there is documented evidence that pot eases many symptoms and does not have toxic side effects like many of the traditional drugs..i can not take the traditional medication doctors prescribe for a disease known as can not be prescribed for individuals that have liver problems and for reasons that doctors have never fathomed I have a liver which does not function at full tilt..I never had hepititis C, i was never exposed to it....its just not a well oiled machine, my liver..anyways..many of the medications have toxicity problems for people that have liver problems so that limits me to what I can take for a very painful illness. Cancer, Glaucoma and AIDS patients all have documented uses for medicinal own Grandmother asked me for some before she died over 25 years ago. she died of liver cancer. it eased her symptoms from chemo and gave her an appetite. Doctors have known for well over 30 years that pot helps people deal with the side effects of chemo AND it slows down the effects of glaucoma.

I do not think the federal government should have the ability to supercede state law...its just plain wrong in most THIS case i know its wrong..everyone that they are busting is following the states guidelines perfectly. they DONOT sell pot to just anyone off the street. You have to have a state issued ID card which can only be gotten if your doctor prescribes pot for you. The doctors are not issuing these prescriptions without documentation of an existing condition. They require medical records. What gives the Feds the right to supercede state laws just because they dont like them? There are many state laws that are less rigid than federal law and up until now..the feds could only bust you in a state if you were on federal property within that the supreme court gives them the right to supercede the state laws anywhere in the state regardless of whether the individuals are totally obeying the state laws or not.

I will climb down off my soap box now...i said my piece..FUCK THE FEDS..

13 people gave us their .02 cents:

Rat In A Cage said...

More accurately you can point a finger at George "I'm on a Christian Crusade" Bush. Yippy that the Republicans keep getting more and more of these facists into important judical seats for lifetime appointments.

Time to look into other countries as a back up plan. You can all run off to Australia with me.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree with this post more. If it helps you, I say, "roll it up, light it up, smoke it up, inhale, exahle!"

Lyvvie said...

I'm 99% against the use of marijuana except for medicinal proper medicinal use not "A bit of weed helps with my insomnia."

I've seen it's use/abuse rip my sister's family apart and it makes me throw-up whenever I tried it. Smelly too.

But I often wonder if the, argument is really about maintaining security/preventing cross pollination/cost of the stock fields. It's way too much work keeping folks out of the pot farms and the like. much cheaper to create some toxic chemical to fob off to the masses for inflated prices.


John Q. Public esq. said...

amen, fuck the Feds, what ever happend to states rights! (oh, the civil war, forget that)...

Focus on your own God Damn family!


SeizeTheNite said...

"FUCK THE FEDS.." tell 'em.

FantasticAlice said...

Okay, at my job, everyday, I see person's with disabilities and the postitive effects that medicinal marijuana has everyday, (and occasionally I feel the effects... but that's another story). You should see how much better a quadrepalegic person's spasms are, how more productive life a person with aids has when they don't feel all of the pain....

Hmmm... this crap just makes me all around angry...

They feds don't want it cause they can't tax it.

'nuff said... I will join our illustrious Dusty off to the side of the soap box.

Anonymous said...

it has nothing to do with ethics and morality and everything to do with phillip morris, and the government's inability to regulate cannibus growth once it's got it fuck the feds...
on a side note, dusty...there are gobs of alternative options for ibs..and i hate to sound like a broken record, but quitting smoking really would help. (i swear i am not a born again non-smoker...i miss smoking, but i have seen the effects sans tobacco)and your liver is very healable, as well.
sorry, sometimes i spew even when people don't ask...

UnHoly Diver said...

somehow, i knew you would have a comment on this....

Rat In A Cage said...

Daisy said spew, but it wasn't sexy sounding at all.

Unknown said...

You bet your sweet ass I have something to say on this topic Bruce..its pathetic the way the BUshies agenda changes with whomever he is trying to court. The Bush administration is trying to circumvent states rights which up until now have always overruled the federal government. Its total and complete bullshit. I did notice that Sandra Day O'Connor was one of the dissenting votes..her opinion was based solely on the states rights issue..which mine is also..if a state wants to be lenient the feds have no fucking business overruling them. its total bullshit! The arguement that this law affects interstate sale of marijuana is a friggin crock since they had no proof that ANY pot was moving out of one state and into another.

Rat In A Cage said...

Oral sex is still illegal in most states, too.

Blame the Puritans.

Oh, no, wait - God is good.

The Zombieslayer said...

Dusty - I came here from Rat in a Cage's site. I'm in complete agreement with you here. That's why I'm for State's Rights. The federal government has gotten too big for its britches. Right now it seems like they want to be your Dad. I already have a Dad. I don't need two Dads.

Anonymous said...

i have 3 dads.
remember that show my 2 dads?