Monday, June 20, 2005 | By: Unknown

Click here,You have got to read Ms. Fabulous' most recent post..

I swear to god i almost died laughing..thats because i choked on my fucking water whilst reading it..its entitled:Ian the Pornographic Yoda with Oranges, Bananas and Prunes

funniest stuff i read all day..and thats all i have done all day blogs..fuck the world, i took the day off..

11 people gave us their .02 cents:

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Mami!! I read that post and it was much fun!!

Anonymous said...

Naughty fruits. My favorite.

-G.D. said...

That was so freaking funny! Thanks for the suggestion.

Mollenkamp said...


John Q. Public esq. said...

are we still dating?


stella said...

thanks for the link! that was hilarious :)

Chick said...

I love your codes...

...& thanks for the info...

FantasticAlice said...

Dusty you know how to pick 'em don't ya, that was friggin' hysterical! I wonder if he ever ended up having his prune wish instead of the banana... oh dear.

Anonymous said...

dusty, you're a fucking rock star. i love it when you have days off!

Unknown said...

lol..i do find some good shit eh the hell are you girl??

SeizeTheNite said...

I feel like a spy now that I know all the "code words"...