Friday, June 03, 2005 | By: Unknown

Scooter and Bobbie..Scooter is giving Bobbie a bath and its NOT something Bobbie was particularly fond of at the moment;Scooter had to hold him down for it..He cleaned him for 40 minutes.. Posted by Hello

5 people gave us their .02 cents:

Rat In A Cage said...

This one is awesome. Very cool.

Anonymous said...

i had a dream last night that i had a baby, but then it turned into a kitten. i can't even begin to figure out what THAT may mean.
i'd rather look and that sweet pic and coo...

Unknown said...

aw daisy..i would rather have a kitten than a baby anytime..alot less labor intensive..thats a joke folks..

Anonymous said...

...and they usually only live to their teens, so no college...(also only a joke)

Bake Town said...

Ahh - so cute!