Wednesday, March 29, 2006 | By: Unknown

The "Big Unit" is a tight-ass.

Seems the yanks pitcher Randy Johnson is a real penny pincher. He wants the woman raising his "love" child to pony up a refund for child support he paid her that was earmarked for "child care expenses". He wants a return of $71,250 (plus $26,148.52 in interest) since she didn't provide reports on how she spent his money. The article and subsequent court filings are over at the smoking gun...the link is here. Seems that Randy's gonna play hardball since the mother of the child asked for funds to purchase the kid a car and was denied by Johnson's agent as excessive..I just call him a fucking tight-ass, fugly sumbitch. Hope the kid doesn't look like him.

4 people gave us their .02 cents:

Anonymous said...

Dusty, thanks for letting readers use profanity on your "fluff" blog b/c this guy is a real fucking cocksucker. I've never really liked him. I wish he'd retire. He and the yankees are pure evil.

Unknown said...

LMAO Sonic..let people use profanity..darlin..its my middle name..which is probably sad but hey...i think of it as a form of verbal expression.

I am a dbacks fan..which means I watched him pitch for a couple years when I lived in AZ..i appreciate his talent but hes a jackass extraordinare...aka a fucking cocksucker as a human.

Ms. M said...

Where the fuck does he get off demanding quarterly reports on how she spends the child support? It goes to support the kid. I don't imagine the clothes on his back came out of the cash in her own pocket. I don't even get child support and let me tell you, this is just part of the reason why I never demanded it. I don't need anyone trying to control me or my child! Randy Johnson is a fuckwad. I've always thought so.

Ms. M said...

Where the fuck does he get off demanding quarterly reports on how she spends the child support? It goes to support the kid. I don't imagine the clothes on his back came out of the cash in her own pocket. I don't even get child support and let me tell you, this is just part of the reason why I never demanded it. I don't need anyone trying to control me or my child! Randy Johnson is a fuckwad. I've always thought so.