Thursday, June 08, 2006 | By: Unknown

The newest medication on the market..I will take a 30-day supply please.

After today, I need a double dose of this stuff. seriously. And if anyone owns a silencer that will fit my Glock, I will pay for you to ship it to me..I need to take out my Doctor...or should I say my former Doctor.

In good news..since tomorrow is Tom DeLay's last day in Congress there is a very nice site that has a Gift Registry up for him here. Send Tommy-boy a gift that shows how much you

A Can of Raid. Perhaps his next job will be his old one -- exterminator!
Unused Frequent Flyer Miles. Lobbyists and corporate donors don't have any more reasons to fly him around the world.
Glass of Dirty Water and Jar of Dirty Air. DeLay led fights to damage the environment to help out his polluting donors. Let's return the favor!
Enron Stock. Known as the Congressman from Enron, DeLay never donated contributions from Ken Lay and Jeff Skilling to charity.
Golden Handcuffs. He must already have the matching golden cufflinks.
$90,000 From William Jefferson's Freezer. Isn't that what he always wanted? Cold hard cash?

11 people gave us their .02 cents:

Chick said...

Oh...where can I get some of that stuff?

Good luck with your new doc.

Just got done watching my ballgame...thankfully my Sox pulled one out against the yanks (in Schilling I rain outs help).

Unknown said...

I watched it too Chicklet..go BOSOX :)

UnHoly Diver said...

This post kinda fits with what Fuzz wrote on Thursday...

Kurt said...

i love it! i want some of that stuff too. but, like all the good meds, it is probably one that my health plan won't cover and they will recommend some generic version called whatdafuk and insist it is equal. course, owsley and the generics weren't equal either ;-)

Unknown said...

LMAO Kurt..good one :)

The Stiltwalker said...

what about a swift kick in the crotch? that's free and you don't even have to wrap it!

Friðvin said...

what the fuck?

Unknown said...

I have seen that "Q"..Google has no intention of fixing it I believe.. :)

Anonymous said...

You can drill a hole through a large potato to fit over the barrel of a gun and it works pretty well as a silencer...

Or so I'm told.

Unknown said...

John..we need to try it out..where the fuck do we do that here?

It will pass an afternoon dude :p

or does a female w/a handgun bother you :)

The Misanthrope said...

I too want a large supply of Fukitol. The perfect drug.