Thursday, May 05, 2005 | By: Unknown

High-speed chases thru the streets of Bakersfrigginfield

ok..i know they happen everywhere..but this one was ran through my neighborhood, down my street in fact..and it was funny as hell!!!

Let me set the scene..I live in a very old shoddy 'hood..its called Oildale...i would tell you why its called that but i dont have time..its got narrow streets filled with children and cars..this area has a Bakersfrigginfield address but we are NOT part of the city..we are part of the county..this pisses off the city administration but tough shit..we like being different here in "08" land..anyways..i was taking a nap yesterday around sunset..and i hear screeching big deal..then i hear sirens..lots and LOTS of sirens..all going down my street..i count like six before i finally get my lard ass up and wander up to the front door to see whats up..the entire 'hood is standing in the street looking up the block..i cant go out..i am in my i scream at the ball and chain to tell me whats up..then the sirens come around again..its a fucking parade of law enforcement! there are highway patrol cars, county sheriffs and city of Bakersfield PD who by the way are out of their juristiction..all chasing this not very new car..with sirens just wailing..they are winding in and out of the narrow streets doing at least 80..the guy being chased must of been having a great time..he jerked them out for almost 20 minutes..i heard strains of banjo music running thru my head during the fiasco..first he would go by one way..then come back one street over the other way..all the time "johnny law" following with a zillion sirens going.

he finally ran into an alley that had no outlet..he crashed his car and hid in someones hot-tub..the next block over..i kept waiting for the cops to run into each other trying to get there least 15 of them in all..must of been a slow crime day or this guy was a real bad ass..the local rag didnt have shit on it this morning..the news guys say the cops wont release info on the whole affair..fuckers..

anyway it was a scene reminiscent of living in a "big" city..and one i havent seen in ages..a great time was had by to catch up on the latest gossip in the 'hood too...i just dont think it was a good idea to fly thru the narrow residential streets at top speed..could of gotten real nasty real quick..the kids in this neighborhood aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer...but then..neither are the law enforcement dudes..

8 people gave us their .02 cents:

FantasticAlice said...

Its like a strange ratio:

Crime is completely proportionate the the amount idiots are that live in an area?

Just Saturday night I saw four cop cars take over the street next to mine, all the cops got out, guns drawn to a house just behind me. I mean I saw cops coming over their fence and surrounding this house.

Strangely enough, no one came out of the house and the cops left after 10 minutes of just standing around the house. With guns still drawn.

Maybe they were just looking form something to do...

Rat In A Cage said...

"I fought the law, and the law won!"

Anonymous said...

Um, I work work for the popo. It doesn't mean I have to like them, right?

Anonymous said...

Um, I work work for the popo. It doesn't mean I have to like them, right?

Jill said... get to have all the fun!!! btw, I like your pic ;)

Unknown said...

I should also say that the good ol boyz network is alive and well in bakersfrigginfield..the DA's office has been trying to convict Bruce Son for killing a cop for years now..the State Supreme court keeps kicking it back..Bruce wasn't an angel by any stretch of the imagination but that cop was a real asshole mofo..his record of being a bully and initiating confrontations was hidden from the defense in the last the DA's office is blaming all the bullshit on a Dead Asst DA..who was killed by a former sheriff because he was diddeling with the sheriffs son..nice huh? oh..and the DA's office had 15 count em 15 cases overturned at the State Supreme court level that involved coersing children to say they were about railroading people..our fine city rocks eh?

Rat In A Cage said...

Remnid me to never slow down if I drive up that way.

Anonymous said...

WOW...and I thought Texas had some fucked up shit!