For those of you that do not follow Politics..first off..shame on you :p
Second..Trashcan Ann is none other than rightwing nutjob Ann Coulter. She is one of those that slam and smear the left side of the political dial. She says horrible things about people, like some of the 9/11 widows for instance. Well, trashcan Annie stands accused of stealing much of her writings from other sources..and breaking the cardinal rule of giving them credit for the words. She is a vile, nasty women, although a very pretty blonde. The NY Post paid a hefty sum to have her entire book and recent columns run through a program called "iThenticate". The news isn't good for T.A., she is a thief and her boss's over at Universal are "investigating" the whole debacle. Since you probably do not wish to read politics..or you would be reading my political blog..I just give you the picture of the least my vision of Trashcan Ann..and apparently others share my view of her as well. On a positive note, Rolling Stone has an article about the man who I hope will be our next President, Al Gore. The linkage is here.
Your daily NFL trivia game, Sunday edition
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daily NFL trivia game.”]
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9 hours ago
3 people gave us their .02 cents:
I've known who Ann Coulter was for years...I just don't care to read or listen to anything she has to say.
I find her disturbing on SO many levels.
I find her revolting on EVERY level.
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