Thursday, December 01, 2005 | By: Unknown

It was 50 years ago today..

Rosa Parks stood up for what she believed. She changed the course of history,beginning the end of segregation. Thank you Mrs. Parks. Jackie Robinson had already started his journey as the first black baseball player, but he had the support of the baseball teams management. Mrs. Parks had no one's backing but the NAACP and that was after the fact.

This small women changed our country in one brief shining moment by making her stand against tyranny and bigotry.We all need to remember her today, If only for a brief moment. We need to remember that all it takes is one person standing up for what they believe and things can begin to change for the better. She showed us that.

6 people gave us their .02 cents:

John Q. Public esq. said...

how was my hooker?

John Q. Public esq. said...

and little Joe gave my wife crabs... do try to cover for them you know its true


Beth said...

Dusty, I think I love you.

But, ya know...not in that way....

The Zombieslayer said...

Good post Dusty.

Sky Captain said...

Right now dusty, that's just a link to my radio show online... Ya know what my dear Dusty, that's a great idea so next time you can read and have me read it to you...

Sky captain

Anonymous said...

That's exactly my point!
You never know the effect one person can have on this when you think you're too small, or not important enough, take a look at the pioneers that came before you~
Everyone makes a difference.