Of course if you can't vote often...vote at least once ok? Since we use Diebolds, I am not really sure I voted...Now on to the sports..
The Free Agents are thick as thieves already..not a surprise of course..Baseball players file whether they are changing teams or not.
Looks like Dusty Baker will be the Padres Skipper..strange isn't it? Bruce Bochy goes to the Giants( I am still depressed over that) and a former Giant skipper goes to the Padres..
Football and Basketball are not filling my days like baseball did..I am jonesing bad. I fiddle with my fantasy teams, trying to fill the void left by the end of the baseball season..
Meanwhile, if the Repubes maintain control of both houses of Congress I will be nailing that bottle of Skyy vodka I have in the kitchen cupboard.
2 people gave us their .02 cents:
We did it Dusty...can't...get...that...smile...off my face!
The country woke up..man it feels good. The neocons are dead..ding dong...the neocons are dead!
It was a long night Seamus, I was up until 3am..but it was worth it.
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