Thursday, November 03, 2005 | By: Unknown

Camera broken..this is it for HNT

This is all I got..My friggin camera is busted and this is all i have in the archives..sorry folks.

23 people gave us their .02 cents:

Anonymous said...

I love the blue flames!
come to texas in May??????????

FantasticAlice said...

That is killer! I am getting my nails done next week and now I know what I want. Those fit your personality so well.


Yeah, so you are going on a cross country deal? I think you need to map it out so your viewers and loyal fans can see your traveling and give me an Idea of when and where you show up in Missouri, er, uh, Misery.

Unknown said...

I will blog from da road Alice..I look forward to it..we are going all the way to the East coast..The flames were silver I think on those nails with purple at the bottom that turned into blue..i forget, it was the nail job prior to the current one..

Stephanie said...

Very cool nails!! I love the wild colors!! Happy HNT!!!

Bsoholic said...

D'oh! Hope you get your camera fixed.

Good nail shot. happy HNT!

Scott & Julia said...

Oohh, very cool! Are they real? If they are, that's just awesome! Happy HNT!

Unknown said...

They are "real"

Angela said...

love the nail work :)

Anonymous said...

wow . thats real pretty.

Happy HNT

Mara said...

Fantastic none the less.. love the flamage. I'm a freak for a cool manicure. Happy HNT

Blondie... said...

AWESOME Nails....I am never brave enough for that. I LOVE to admire them though. What a cool HNT!

Happy HNT To ya!!

MamaKBear said...

Love the nails! happy HnT!

Chicken said...

Perty! Happy HNT!

Joel said...

My God! Look at those nails!

You could shuck oysters with them! Are they steel? :D

... said...

acid nails...

happy hnt

Jaxe said...

You know what... It WORKS! That is damned cool. I can't stop looking at it! ;-) great how did you take that in the firstplace HAH!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hey, Mami. Purrrrdy nails. I gave myself a french manicure today. It lasted a whole two hours before I started peeling it off. Too girly for the likes of me. I like 'em, but with the tips black vs. white. It rules.


Unknown said...

Yes Joel..they are :)

thanks sportsfans..and I thought it totally sucked for an HNT..who knew :P

John Q. Public esq. said...

and I heart you too, Dusty me' lov'

now back to thinking naughty thoughts about those nails...


tom said...

I am begging for toes next time.

Jim Cooper said...

Boobs, nails it's all the same - it's the spirit of the game that counts!!!!!!!!

tom said...