I cooked food I couldn't eat. I bitched about it the entire time. No one had sympathy for moi but they loved my candied yams and stuffing. I comandeered the stuffing once I figured out how to eat it thru the pain.
I was supposed to work on Thanksgiving but I said "fuck da man" and stayed home. I think I am building up a tolerance for Vicodin dammit. The Vic's however did give me the balls to tell my boss to kiss my ass. She has now hired someone to take part of my work load and is flying down Thursday to kiss MY ass. Neat eh?
I am going to give in to the ball and chains incessant whining and go to Vegas for two count em two days..its colder than shit over there right now but who goes outside whilst in sin city? He's paying all the expenses plus...JOE BONAMASSA IS GOING TO BE THERE!
All three of my regular readers know of my love for all things Joe B. This could perhaps be the reason I let the b&c talk me into this short excursion. Plus I told my boss I was going and if she didnt like it she could take a long walk off a very short pier.
I went back to the Dentist finally yesterday..he got out the heavy equipment and fixed up my new hardware so it actually hurts less! Praise be to Allah..er to Demitri the Dentist. I still cant eat a fucking thing other than yogurt and soup but the pain is no longer constant.
There will be friends to visit with in Vegas, there are some making the trip from the farthest reaches of our fair country. I am still crabby however and sound like I have a mouth-ful of marbles when I talk. I will simply smile alot and take lots and lots of pain meds. I will not however make the same mistake as John Q. Public and mix booze and pills..for moi a small bowl of herb and a couple Vicodin will do me up just right. Its only 48 hours but I am looking forward to the diversion.
I will of course blog from Vegas, I have no life after the music stops....gambling is boring and since I cant drink what the hell else is there..oh yeah..a cheap hooker for John Q...should be fun..
Jenn my dear..I will chat you up tonite sweetie :)
Alice..thanks for the xmas gift..do you need my addy sweetie?
Bruce..have you purchased a JOE B. cd yet? if not I know what you are getting for Xmas wink wink..
I feel guilty as hell for bailing on my job.....NOT!!!!!!!
Hope my son doesnt lose any of my kittens in the house whilst I am gone..he hates keeping track of them for fear I will disinherit him when I return. Shit, half of nothing is still nothing right?
Have a good, glorious and grand Tuesday sportsfans!
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[image: Rory McIlroy, PGA Tour, Arnold Palmer Invitational] Rory McIlroy
during the press conference ahead of the 2025 Arnold Palmer Invitational. |
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