I have raged a lot about cheating, aka roid use and the idiots that try to go down that road.
But Manny, he just took a hormone that is usually prescribed to women. Keith Olbermann, former ESPN talking head and now a political talking head has a great piece on Manny Ramirez today. The video isn't available yet..when it is..I will put it up here.
As for Manny and his use of cheating materials..here is AP's take:
Whats wrong with this picture? He fucking lied for Christ's sake. Yes, he passed 15 drug tests..so fucking what?
We all remember the one you failed..and so will the sports writers that elect you fuckwits into the Hall of Fame. SI's article, which I will filch part of below:
Mannywood was rocked Thursday when the All-Star outfielder was suspended for 50 games for using a banned drug.
"Do I still think we can win without him? I think he makes us a better team when he's with us, but without him we still have a good team and we're still capable of winning us some ballgames,'' Martin said before Thursday night's game against Washington.
"He's one of the best hitters of all time, so it's definitely going to be tough. But what can you do? You've just got to move on and keep plugging away. You have to take it either as a challenge, and that's what we're going to do,'' he said.
Even before the first pitch of the game, Ramirez's penalty had a noticeable effect. The Manny-style dreadlock hats that had been on sale at the concession stands at Dodger Stadium on Wednesday night had been pulled off at least one shelf. Other Manny-related memorabilia was missing, too.
The Dodgers said there may have been a misunderstanding with the Ramirez merchandise, but that it still was for sale.
Los Angeles manager Joe Torre said he called Ramirez and that the 36-year-old star called him back.
"He feels very badly. Right now he's trying to gather his thoughts,'' Torre said.
He feels badly? I bet he feels real bad about losing a third of his $25 mil salary..
What do you think? The asterisk..*..it will follow you all the days of your career dude..bet on it you fucking douchebag.
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