Thursday, June 18, 2009 | By: Unknown

Slamming Sammy being investigated..

By the folks he lied to in 2005..Congress. From AP:
A congressional committee will look into former baseball slugger Sammy Sosa’s(notes) denial that he used illegal performance-enhancing drugs in light of a report that he tested positive for a performance-enhancing drug in 2003.

The chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, Democratic Rep. Edolphus Towns of New York, says that the committee takes seriously suggestions that a witness had been misleading.

Towns said in a statement Wednesday that he will determine the appropriate steps following a review of the matter.

In 2005, Sosa told Congress that he had never taken illegal performance-enhancing drugs. The New York Times reported Tuesday that Sosa tested positive two years before his appearance at a House hearing.

There goes the Hall of Fame Sammy..say goodbye!
Monday, June 01, 2009 | By: Unknown

When Politics and Sports mix..

The Coleman v Franken election case is now in the hands of the MN Supreme Court. One of the associate justices is none other than Alan Page.

Mr. Page is in the NFL Hall of Fame. He played as a MN Viking and a Chicago Bear. He will help decide whether Coleman gets his wish in counting absentee votes or if Franken is the winner hands down.

I was watching the MN Supreme Court hearing this morning online and when they showed Justice Page and put up his name in the video..I knew that I knew that guy from somewhere...

Just a tidbit of info you should know..or not! ;)